Sabtu, 05 November 2011

The Precious ONE

hello blogger :D
selamat malam Indonesia, bonjour francais

today i wanna post about my precious one. yes, my boyfriend :*
He is.. unique. setauku ngga ada cowo yang suka nonton FTV atau nonton film cinta-cintaan sampe nagis .__.
dan juga setauku cowo itu selalu berani liat folm horor, nah yang ini.. malah aku yang jadi pegangan kalo liat horor .__.
I knew him when I was in 2nd grade in my high school. At first, I had no interest with him. Even I didn't know that there was a boy named 'Rian' in my school .___.

It was in 'English' class

Teacher : please introduce your self one by one
A : my name is A, I'm from blablabla
B : my name is B, I live at blablabla
Me : *I wasn't paying attention to them because I was.. aku ngapain ya -__- *
Rian : My name is Triananda Maulana. You can call me RIAN..
Me : * mendadak shock. kaget. langsung noleh ke belakang tempat dia berdiri*

kenapa aku kaget ? Because at that time, I was in a relationship with someone named RYAN too. ah masa lalu ~

yaa kapan-kapan aku ceritain lengkapnya. But not now, because it's going to be a looong story :D

oh and this is RIAN. my precious one

yang di pojokan tutupono ae

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