Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011

My Bad

haloooo bloggy
kayak e wes sak abad luwih aku ga ngeblog. yah, banyak yang terjadi :)
termasuk shock therapy kelas 3. gendeng meeeen. sekola tugas bimbel eles sekola tugas bimbel eles sekola tugas bimbel eles. iling boker ae alhamdulillah

malem ini.. aku mau nulis sesuatu. dalam bahasa inggris yo reeeek. soale aku sek mangkel ambek guru bahasa indonesiaku. ketap ketip ae senengane *astagfirullah

here we go ~

tonight, I'm sitting in my room. Waiting for you to reply my text. We have been text-ing since afternoon and fortunately, we are now sitting together in cold mind :)
I had a problem with my family. I cried a lot, what i wanted to do was going out. I couldn't help crying, I was tired of waiting. I wasn't a patience girl, I had my limit. And that time, I reached my limit.

The one who I was looking for is YOU. I wanted to cry on your shoulder. I need you to encourage me, because the one who could do that is YOU. All I wanted is YOU.

But then I had some problems. Stupid me, I really wanted YOU, but I went to meet HIM. I was a FOOLISH.
I did that because i really need someone whom I could talk to. If I wasn't find someone whom i could talk to, I would have gone from this house. but I was a FOOLISH.

Then I call YOU. i cried a lot. YOU said," Calm down dear. Calm down. I'm here with you"
Actually, YOU didn't have to say it, because I felt YOU there with me, hugged me :')
Then I told YOU the truth. I had knew that YOU would be sad and disappointed.
I really had no idea about what I've done.

Then we fought. YOU said that I had betrayed YOU. But I said that YOU don't love me because YOU weren't encourage me and heard me about my family problem. We fought all night.

Until I realized my FOOLISH.

I'm terribly sorry :'(

and YOU said," I love you dear. I really want to encourage you. I want to make a funny joke so I can make you laugh. I really want to see your smile. All I ask to you is please, take care of my feeling.

Don't ask me to be perfect. I can't be someone whom you really want to. I can't be as perfect as HIM, but I'll try to do my best to be perfect for you."

"Please, take care of my feelings. I afraid of losing you. I love you so much."

YOU know what ?
I am the luckiest girl in this world, because I have someone whom always makes me laugh, someone who wants to see my smile, someone whom always encourage me, someone whom always love me :)

my dear, all I want to say now is," I'm sorry for my bad. Thank you for forgive me. I love you too. I love you more than YOU can imagine"

Thanks dear. ILYSM Triananda Maulana :*

wes mari rek. suwun yo. sori nek inggrisku nggilani. oke bubye readers mumumu :*

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